Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Electric Avenue

Electric Avenue has a lot of things going for it.

Lapels! I can never get enough of lapels, as you might guess of someone who loves 1970s style. And the v-neck is cute, though I seem to remember pairing Electric Avenue with a pink crew neck sweater back when I got it, circa 1999.

But let's pull back a little...

What's that? Right near the bottom of the frame there? If you said "Bizarre stain," you are absolutely right!

Problem. And it's a problem that can't be solved by dry cleaners, and I don't know what to do. In fact, I don't know what I did do, back when I wore Electric Avenue on a weekly basis.

 I must have seen the stain, right? I must have known it was there. Did I just wear it anyway because I was a grungy college kid, or did the trippy pattern hypnotize me into forgetting the stain was there?

Or maybe I never really registered the stain's presence. It's possible. This is the angle I usually saw it from.

So, let's say I can never get the stain out. What are my options?

(Remember, if you say I should give it to you, you should probably let me know who you are.)

All photos by Claire Loeb!


  1. Perhaps an embroidered fish in juuuuuuuust the right spot...

  2. With a speech bubble coming out of its mouth: "If this dress were pants, the crotch would be right here!"
