Monday, June 11, 2012

Red Fish Blue Fish

I have a confession to make: not all of my dresses are vintage. Once in a great while, I'll come across something so adorable, so timeless, that I know it would fit right in my closet. Sometimes I get close enough and I already feel like I own it; paying for it and taking it home is a mere formality. Red Fish Blue Fish... was not one of these.

I was in a little artist's studio in Buenos Aires, and the artist was there, selling clothes she had designed and made herself. This ups the pressure a bit—as I was discussing with my friend whether or not I should buy it, I felt awkward, because I knew she could hear me debating whether her work—her art—was worth 240 pesos. (With the exchange rate at the time, this was $80, which was still pretty pricey, especially because I was earning pesos at the time.)

But look how cute!

The little fish are sewn on individually!

And they are swimming in little thready waves, inspiring wave-y, water-y dance moves.

Plus, the back of Red Fish Blue Fish has its own little surprises. The back is probably what put me over the edge.

I wasn't thinking about just how difficult it would be to actually get it on and off by myself. It involves contortions. missed buttons, and, ultimately, a different wardrobe choice.

Despite its questionable price (but it's somebody's art!), I have worn Red Fish Blue Fish in the wild exactly once since I bought it six years ago. Does that mean we are not to be?

Or should I treat it as an expensive souvenir of my time in Buenos Aires?

All photos by Claire Loeb!

1 comment:

  1. I'm inclined to vote "keep it" because I am a sucker for anything animal-themed, and I think Red Fish Blue Fish is just great. I also think it fits you well, although I am conscious of getting-dressed difficulties and the pain they produce. If it's truly not practical and you know in your heart of hearts that you won't be wearing it again, let it swim free to some other lucky recipient who will take it out on the town!
