Wednesday, June 6, 2012


How excited am I to start this blog?

This excited.

Because when I open my closet door every morning, I feel like this:

Which is a great way to feel. I love my dresses, je les aime d'amour. I worry about what would happen if my apartment caught on fire. The cat, after all, can take care of herself.

So I wanted to share my bounty with the world, and also maybe get the world's opinion on a few things. Because even though I love my dresses d'amour, there are a few individual pieces that are perhaps not pulling their weight. My closet is literally bursting at the seams, and I am considering a "one in, one out" policy, but it's harder than it sounds. So you'll help, yes?

A-Tasket features a bright baskety-looking (technical term) pattern, which gets more complex the more you look at it.

For instance, it's not quite a basket weave, is it? I just noticed, just this instant, that the colored stripes don't line up from square to square. And I also never noticed just how yonic that design on the bodice is. You probably already have. Note the tiny signature, which is a touch I just love. These designs are art! We should know who the artist is!

The one flaw of A-Tasket is that I have to wear it backwards because I accidentally got some grease all over the front, which is really a flaw of my own personality; when will I learn that wearing pretty dresses and picking up huge dirty pots don't mix? Dry cleaners are powerless in the face of it, but fortunately A-Tasket is cut exactly the same way in the back.

How long will I hold on to A-Tasket? Probably forever: it's loose enough to be cool in hot weather, and small enough that I will never resent packing it for the next move. Thoughts?

And thanks to Claire Loeb for taking all the pictures in this post!


  1. LOVE!!!! Welcome to the blogosphere! Now, if in your quest for colorful vintage dresses, you find sexy, high heeled vintage shoes, you MUST promise that you'll guest post about them on xoxo

  2. But of course! And when I figure out how to add a blogroll down the side, Shoes N Booze will have a place of honor...
