Saturday, June 30, 2012

Paisley Park

Why can't more things be paisley? It seems like it would be very easy to make a fresh and modern paisley — not just the colors, but the shapes. A smooth, sprightly, whimsical paisley — can't Jonathan Adler do something with that? I wouldn't buy it if he did — I'm not in the market for $68 coasters, no matter how cool they look — but maybe he (we? call me, Jonny) could spark a paisley renaissance.

Or maybe we could turn to the Azerbaijani Winter Olympic team.

Cute, right? Proving once again that if you have the right wardrobe for the occasion, you'll still have a good time, no matter what happens. (They didn't do so well at the Games.)

A closer look at Paisley Park's printed pattern:

Springy and fresh, yet still a little freaky. Which came first, paisley or hallucinogenic drugs?

Designers mostly confine paisley to neckties these days. How boring.

Use the whole dress as your paisley canvas! That's what it's there for!

You know who else likes paisley? This guy:


The cut of Paisley Park is also quite charming. It's got that soft neckline that I adore,

which is, unfortunately not great for necklaces. Unless you don't feel like wearing a necklace, in which case, hooray! You just shortened your getting-dressed time by two and a half minutes.

You can use that time to decide on shoes.

Paisley Park has a twenties-ish drop-waist silhouette going on.

Though given the evidence, I guess it would be more accurate to describe it as a sixties-ish silhouette. It's not my very favorite cut, but it is relaxed and easy to rock.

The above picture actually features a seam that is slowly coming apart.

As so many of my seams are. I will fix it eventually.

While looking through my photos for old shots of Paisley Park, I came across a forgotten friend:

Archive photo
And obviously I don't mean the owner of those fingers. That hat! That pink felt hat! With a giant pink felt flower! When and where and why did I get it? When and where and why did I get rid of it? Sometimes this blog raises more questions than it answers...

All (well, most) photos by Claire Loeb!

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